Hi, I am Dee and this is my workspace where I carry out my experiments. I am a real person who was born in the Classic Cartoon Network era, hence the theme. A mechanical engineer and a creative coder, I am passionate about working on new ideas and building them from scratch. If you'd like to learn more about my work or potentially work with me, feel free to message me on LinkedIn.


Personalized hand wearable fabrication pipeline

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Iot Maker

Creating high-level Electro-mechanical devices through live programming for youth

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Interactive Design Interfaces to support Ideation & Rapid Prototyping

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A collide-to-mate CAD assembly Proof of Concept

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Minecraft Modeler

Stack up little cubes to create a model and download 3D-print ready STL files

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Parametric hand & Surface subdivision

A simplified hand model with mesh smoothening usign surface subdivision

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CSG operations

A minimal workflow for performing CSG operations- intersect, subtract, union on primitive shapes

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Breadth First Seearch

Click on any two points on the geometry and see the shortest path between them rendered

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Curves from Equations

Creates curves based on user defined equations. Renders Frenet frames, osculating circle at different points and smoothens the curve.

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Bezier Curves

Render a bazier curve with C1 continuity and passing through a bunch of random points in space

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Catmull Clark surface subdivision

Start with a simple mesh and perform subdivision to smoothen it and 3D print the final mesh

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Meshes with IMGUI

Load .obj mesh, use Imgui to move them, detect collision

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A hexapod robot that I built as a part of my undergraduate thesis project

Project details CAD files

A radio-controlled aircraft that our team designed and built as our entry for the AIAA Design/Build/Fly competition

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A wearable for the elderly ideated and built in a 24 hour hackathon

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A design for manufacturability exercise of a bracelet.

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An ultra-light laptop stand with no permanent joints

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A CNC plotter made from CD drives

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Cardboard based modular assembly exploration

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An assembly of a CNC milled mechanically automated hatchdoor

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More stuff coming soon...